"Only Death Is Excused": Manager's Reply To Employee For Being Late After Car Accident


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"Only Death Is Excused": Manager's Reply To Employee For Being Late After Car AccidentA manager's callous response to an employee's car accident has sparked outrage online. In a viral social media post, a user shared screenshots of a conversation between an employee who survived a car accident and their manager. Instead of expressing concern for the employee's well-being, the manager simply inquired about their expected arrival time at work. "Keep me updated on what time you're expecting to be here," the manager wrote.

The screenshots show the employee sending a photo of their severely damaged car, followed by the manager's cold reply. Despite the employee's absence due to the accident, the manager insisted that any absence other than a death in the family is considered unexcused.

"It's understandable why you would be late, but regardless anything that prevents you from being at the workplace other than a death in the family is unexcused at any company," the manager wrote.

This incident has highlighted the toxic work environment that can result from inconsiderate managers and the detrimental impact it can have on employees' mental health.

See the viral post here:

what would y'all respond with if your manager says this? pic.twitter.com/bZznlPZrLT

— kira ? (@kirawontmiss) October 22, 2024
The post on X gathered nearly 16 million views and an array of reactions from internet users.

A user wrote, "Managers like this scare me, like is your life that miserable?!"

Another user commented, "I would show up at their house early the next morning and slash all 4 tires on their car and then ask why they are late when they eventually turn up in a taxi."

"I would quit this job," the third user declared.

"I would get them a card that says sorry for your loss.. and on the inside, I'd write.. it's me I quit," the fourth user wrote.

"Block and delete. Never go back to that work. And if any company in the future ever asked why you left you can pull up this screenshot," the fifth user commented.